_ Speicherkammer, Sudine Autorin
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hallucinating joymutants
hallucinating joymutants _ June 2011

_on a flat surface.
no view for the truth outdoor.
.. they are giants! motionless face meets emptiness., raises arms, floats into motionless spheres, wing-striving struggling for something in the hands. closed,(what do YOU ​​want?)
displeasure, permit no end to the crunching together. something breaks. dull noises sweep the finish line..they are kneeling,.?!it is incomprehensible they are collecting! what is their hope?? are looking in your mind,
do not stare, they will not realize it. save your strength it is not a game !! purely the destruction in front of your eyes makes the shudder to stand still
   passes by.? along you.? 
something may be your'e fine led by the shine, do not rhyme on their ways it is not scheduled. Feel their trace, sit down now, it is freed humbleness..'game, its space
as far as the eye can see. dont want to be forced to based rule. raise your eyes  in the boundless.   you longed after them, -> to do the same.  if they can do.?  
close your own hands, countless wideness you seem to feel, fantastic what you dare to reach.  but as far as you think you can come,
you'll see them.    attention.  closer to them is no space anymore to shudder self-finding,  it is not considered.   
by Sudine  "they are gigantic! -> invulnerable.

especially fanatical reanimation their drive.,  the tips of running the gauntlet"     1:47uhr




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