_ Speicherkammer, Sudine Autorin
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  => Heron Island
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Heron Island
pardon. vulture. healed, of all the torture, weak, let yourself lie down and wait. you will hate it
to have removed the main hair. grab a shovel, and look for one. what's the shame for? to pretend
to be serious about it. serious pretending? where does that start? ..? I do not know.
..not ashamed? o.O, no. you?
Suppose I run off your heels now, would that bother you?
Let's say you're going to run my heels instead, would that bother you?
.. Yes.
uh.? ..
does that mean you like me?
: - / or :-(
text lost here, wrong button.
by Sudine
try to hold back what you can, for me I'm here, you think so, it
is the mirage that breaks the truth for us: -]
stuffed laughter loses any purpose,
it is the effort to keep that divides you,
the tendon freed of the effort
no power for the circlings

watches into the aerie,
the vulture is sitting in front of it, not allowed.
 is not belonging.
it can not be over here, it's the worst thing to mourn about
unnamed syllables,
if they are part of your actual being. it is your rest, this "I am mine", look at you at my being. I am not me, it is you
there it tramples that the few flowers are looking shocked at their feet
a cyclop ,.
he's coming back.
by Sudine
"confused as if lost"
 3:51 _ May 19, 2011

inspired through Sinbad whos adventures enjoyed the first choosed channel in my parents home, when the german tv planned to show at least

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