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no longing can know where from

no longing can know where it's fleeing from, does prowling around and yet's very .. transparent .. not touchable, never try to pick apart something you can not exactly see, you'll lose exhausted the fight during, always tired beating after winner, so do not be surprised if you''re not meet. ..

___ Letting go of control is not heavy, a whisper talk after it gets wounded up rather. instead of shivering and frantically preparing the next hit.  always remembering the origins, accepting them in your timeless companionship, consider when you need rest choose the middle aisle, right and left of you behind the fence you can let what torments you, always remembering the origins, accepting them in your timeless companionship, consider when you need rest choose the middle course, right and left of you behind the fence  you can disregard what torments you, watching and reached after you, save your breath for running, speeding up is not a weakness, sudden stops puzzles them out there on your sides, they're ran too far .. as from day to night in repeat, you are able to escape .. but also reseiving fence tips into your bloodstream. With the effort of own genius imagine addition, this can end bloodless and transforms your next run into perfect symbiosis, a slight veil around you which achieves something with the help of time gathering resets, something unimaginable at the beginning., traceable now. 
it can make you pick out fences with your bare hands, soil flyes around your ears and you're starting to sink, for the first time on a surface which never before gaved such freedom and even rest. how can it be? * from high-flying notches in the struts remain clearings, which you no more need, because you're fine.

* no mistake   
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