_ Speicherkammer, Sudine Autorin
  Wie denn? _'alias Bubi
  gefühltes zurück .
  Galerie _ knips'Effekte
  vom herrschen über nichts, vom zerbrechen an sinnlosem, vom pfad der gefeiten
  => obtained power to nothing, breaking with meaningless., the path of the prepaired's
  hallucinating joymutants
  vom niederen bereich des seins
  Latrine - von unruhigen sehnen nach dem Leben der anderen
  wenn's gemahnte NEBENBEI hinterher muß
  der wahnsinn hat einen namen
  wesensfremde hülle
  der wille nagt an stahl
  sternchen kriecht ins tal
  zeitlos scharrende wiege
  flacher atem schindet zeit
  so wunderbar beschissen
  quader_ neidest dem zylinder oO
  verweile in windeseile
  sicher beachtlich traumhaft [:
  Sonstige so on complete list
  vom Papier Nov2006
  täuschend überschaubar
  schematische rufe (2013)
  schematic calls (2013)
  blaues, schau'es
  april 2012
  'Einwürfe (2014.. 2015)
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obtained power to nothing, breaking with meaningless., the path of the prepaired's

..i dare not to report
because does not exist. .. no sign, void = nowhere IS.
every fool walks along,
and does not notice that he runs on a core.
I myself, in the wake of many a strengthening event, also occasionally have the feeling of trusting a stable, comprehensive underground.
HA! you will wonder about my Miss!
like this gentleman over there.> viewing? he just has a knee collapse. there is not much to see of him anymore, do not you want to help him?
all you have to do is give your hand, and inspect ground under your feet to hold you,
after all, he is heavier than you.
be active !! why you walk insecure on such a trustworldly floor ? 
you are so naive.

.. this world,
is not attributed to being taken emotion,
hence this endless shivering man. he wants to sink, in his own volition. know what awaits him,
he is in search for something.
so please, many others are still walking in front, while smiling. always,
a woman in front there does tapdance, and overlooks seriously her stepps.
but wait a moment, she does not smile. But it looks very fulfilling from what she does.

it's absolut scorn. it is..?
what can be so loopings pulling? you are wrong! there are several ends, distances .. gaping in executions of all kinds, regardless of the overlap.
it is, .. an abstract entity.

is been ever claimed that a structure could be understood?

follow the loop and laugh as you make a solid step so that
you never stand solid ...always steady ..to be sure.

create falls if you can, because there is not much anyway.
all are the same.
                  "Equality. How dare you rule rampant?"

by sudine.,
  sit or run. decide .. now !.
.. and tomorrow again. and the day after tomorrow too. and the day after tomorrowow

SEP 7, 2010 

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