_ Speicherkammer, Sudine Autorin
  Wie denn? _'alias Bubi
  gefühltes zurück .
  Galerie _ knips'Effekte
  vom herrschen über nichts, vom zerbrechen an sinnlosem, vom pfad der gefeiten
  hallucinating joymutants
  vom niederen bereich des seins
  Latrine - von unruhigen sehnen nach dem Leben der anderen
  wenn's gemahnte NEBENBEI hinterher muß
  der wahnsinn hat einen namen
  wesensfremde hülle
  der wille nagt an stahl
  sternchen kriecht ins tal
  zeitlos scharrende wiege
  flacher atem schindet zeit
  so wunderbar beschissen
  quader_ neidest dem zylinder oO
  verweile in windeseile
  => tarry in a hurry
  sicher beachtlich traumhaft [:
  Sonstige so on complete list
  vom Papier Nov2006
  täuschend überschaubar
  schematische rufe (2013)
  schematic calls (2013)
  blaues, schau'es
  april 2012
  'Einwürfe (2014.. 2015)
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tarry in a hurry
_tarry in a hurry _
and then go away !!
dare not to look,
what you are allowed to do is dare to crouch,
but please not on my feet.
the knees, they are scratched.
Who allowed you to move even one breathtake along on the edged sore-scraping ground?
you're not down, you're not on the ground, look down.
and fast, you'll fall off the ceiling.
do you have a spike?
Turn the crown while you fall.
it is the position that calls the hate.
who gives you the right to fade my fineness? !!
fall on your hearing organs and let me hear what it was like.
while it will engage me, to recognize, to understand nothing.
which pointed-edged has torned ??
surrounded by rigidness,
is the thrust in the back leading.
stare my air defect.
♦♦♦♦♦ ♣
(take away the e,..too a 'ling., so sweetly chirping,
looking around in the room,
..where is so much needed tree?
"the walls are too flat, did not fit.")
look ahead, a plinth. here he sits now.
oh which astonish through your lovely nature,
it's not mine, no. I do not care, knees are often damaged.
that comes from the spontaneous,
.. "Oh, I found something sparkling." ..
from dipping into the earthly realm,
from the crashing hurt.
do not forget the root,
she is the one who carries you. so silent.
it trickls,
a rivulet trickles stream on the plains that once secured the root.
how can it do this? not allowed to ask, it should always sign answered.
lift up the earth, for breaking forth some more of them?
but wait a moment , if you start too early to wade ..
you'll sink.,
constant to wave.
it was too low.
what serve only to rest under feet?
it does not hurt no.
by Sudine.
"attitude swarming, keep an eye on relicts"
-> <-

April 2011
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