_ Speicherkammer, Sudine Autorin
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  => the will gnaws at steel
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the will gnaws at steel

the face disappeared in the hands,
then put your hands on the edge to rest, the chair hangs behind you,
your floor IS the floor.

your inspiration tends to get caught up in dust formations,
than you could corrupt untouched and pure. spoiled by wrong ..touch. unconfortable pushed by shouting too loudly or silently,
Confuse by carrying around strange.
It's best if you sweep everything up, in any case you're sitting on the floor.

just sweep around you.
the broom is not within reach? that could mean luck,
It's incredibly timesaving, thinking about whether you should get it, whether it's worth it, why at all
"Waiting to get up.

begin to breathe life into the dust

this is not dust from tides of your many hikes,
it is an intentionally present level of separation,
it protects you from overzealousness and foresight.
Getting the broom could have fatal consequences.
but at least it would be clean. everything dissolved from it,
more than just the little spot that has been breathed free.
Maybe you'll sink next time on a smooth surface... unthinkable.

Instead, try to let a little light shine,
diagonally across the finely dusted surface.
As long as a small, continuing beam of light is lost over the nearby expanses,
you can indulge in CALM.

separate your hand and face.
the latter must be free.

hand & hand however, ..?

by Sudine, 2010 October 

this explains a kind of depression how i can report the best in 40 years of life

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